Tommy's dad, Tom, and I were great friends growing up because Tom's Mom and my Mom were sorority sisters at IU. Now Tommy and Dylan are just a few months a excited for them to grow up and be friends. Happy 1st birthday Tommy. We loved celebrating with you and all of your friends.
I would smile like this too if someone gave me a BMW for my birthday :)
Indianapolis, IN - Dan and I often find ourselves in disbelief that we are the parents of a one year old. It just doesn't seem possible. We can both still remember the day he was born like it was could a year have come and gone already...let alone almost 14 months now?!? Every day is a little better than the last which doesn't seem possible but Dylan continues to amaze us. He is a walking (and by walking I mean a teetering, hesitant walking) fool and is into EVERYTHING! Why does he want to open the bathroom cabinet and put everything in his mouth, try to wash his hands in the toilet and possibly eat Sydney's dog food if he can while we aren't watching? I don't understand why these things are appealing but maybe someday he will be able to explain. I guess it is his crazy curiosity that we love most.
Here are the latest and greatest photos of our little man...because we can :) 13.5 months on a beautiful fall afternoon...doesn't get much better than this.
Carmel, IN - We had a great time with this family over the weekend. They were all together celebrating a birthday and the joy was so fun to witness. These are just a few of our favorites from the time we spent with them...hope we got everyone on here a couple times. Enjoy!
New York - This wedding probably deserves multiple blog for the ceremony and one for everything else. However, I have crammed it into one REALLY long one below. Anil and Julia's wedding was spectacular. The ceremony was incredibly unique and full of love. We were honored that they gave us the opportunity to shoot their wedding as we had never done anything like it before. It was an experience we won't soon forget. Anil and Julia definitely made our jobs easy starting with their amazing engagement shoot last fall. Thank you both for including us in your wedding, it was truly an honor. Congrats to you both and hope you enjoyed your extended honeymoon, thanks to Irene!
We are a husband and wife team that are truly passionate about what we do. We have a love for photography and enjoy each and every opportunity to document a special event in our clients' lives.